What Is yoga with therapy?

Although Yoga can be considered therapeutic and healing it is important to keep in mind that there is a significant difference between simply teaching Yoga versus being a qualified therapist (Myotherapist) that is teaching Yoga.

Yoga With Therapy is a type of Yoga that incorporates traditional poses with specialised therapeutic techniques.
Those therapeutic techniques trigger and unleash physical movement patterns ultimately, re-engaging imbalanced or injured muscle structures

The use of therapeutic technique paired with Yoga proves to be a beneficial experienced by many.
No previous Yoga knowledge, or training required to participate in this class.
Much more important to understand is the reality that only regular participation will be the key that addresses:
In fact, Yoga with Therapy will focus on those specific symptoms and apply the appropriate yoga movements and therapeutic techniques to help manage those symptoms. The teacher’s responsibility is to provide a balance of yogic techniques, educate and support everyone to gain and achieve life quality in body and mind.

one-on-one yoga treatments

weekly group yoga